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Tuesday 26 July 2016

Top 10 Corpse Party Characters

*Hey guys just a heads up i will be doing a lot of top 10 on this blog XD. so if you guys are into that kind of stuff this will be the perfect sight for u hope you guys enjoy XD*

Hey guys so this is my SECOND POST yeah!!!. so lets dive straight into this will be my 

1. Nana Ogasawara 

Nana made it into my top 10 beacuse I just love her ,she is so adorable and sweet but i was so bothered when she got killed :(  . in my opinion i think she should have stayed alive a bit longer.her last mission was to find her friends in the end she never did


2. Tomohiro Ohkawa

Tomohiro made it into my top 10 because he is a very loyal to all his friends but he is most loyal to his best friend Katayama. he kind of annoyed me when he refused to leave his friends body when he died and that cause him to be very stubborn but i don't blame him :(

        3. Sayaka Ooue

 Sayaka made it into my top 10 because she is very enthusiastic and out going . she has a cute secret crush on her best friend Naho and she would do anything for even go to heavenly host with naho risking her life for but i was in tearing up when her last thought before she died was "Our friendship will last forever.....It will never die..." R.I.P. Sayaka

4. Haruyuki Inumaru
Haruyuki made it into my top 10 because he is just kinda amusing but he is one of the bravest males on there(besides Yoshiki and Satoshi:) he went into heavenly host not knowing any of the horrific sites,task too find his childhood crush but I found it quite sad when he found Sayaka's corpse but afterwards sayaka came for him and put his soul at peace R.I.P. Haruyuki


5. Tohko Kirisaki

Tohko made it into my top 10 because I she is just so confident with her actions but she gets major hate for crushing on Yuuya Kizami it is not her fault she doesn't know that he is a sociopath and a psychopath . all she that was he was mature and cool but she soon learnt that he was psych when he beat the living hell out of her leaving her depressed and crazy. I felt so bad for her for her afterwards she didn't deserve that what happened to her but I still love herXD

  6. Yuuya Kizami

0o0 Yuuya made it into my top 10 because I just feel for him he may be a ginormous douchebag but I feel sorry for him its not his fault that he is a sociopath he had a rough childhood but that still doesn't mean I forgive him I don't forgive him for killing katayama,kurosaki  and attempting to kill YUKA but I still care for him

 7. Yuka Mochida

Yuka made it into my top 10 because she is just ADORABLE. I was happy because survived heavenly host elementary and all she wanted was her onii-chan and to go pee but I felt soo fuzzy when she is getting attacked by yuuya and she was still sweet to him AWWWWW

  8. Satoshi Mochida

Satoshi made it into my top 10 because he is just I don't know he is fun and active but he can be annoying but I still like himXD. he is also a brave but shy at the same time. to be honest he reminds me a lot of my self because he is fun,brave,shy,loyal,annoying I just like him.

9. Mayu Suzumoto

Mayu made it into my top 10 because I think she should have had a better role in corpse party not just be the stupid pretty girl that basically died 5 minutes. I know I am probably going to get a lot of hate but I like her .to be honest I did feeling sorry for yuki, tokiko and ryou.  

10. Yoshiki Kishinuma

Yoshiki made it into my top 10 because everybody loves a bad boy. nah Im kidding I just like how he is in love with the class rep but the class rep treats him like dirt and he allows her but at the end of the day they both need each other so I just love that little love story
so guys that was my top 10 on my favourite characters hope you enjoyed I wouldn't be here if wasn't for my cousin SOPHIE DARK go check out her blog at :Shea-Lo.blogspot.com   so go check her out leave a comment saying that I sent you there XD. In some of my characters I might have so a teeny tiny serious I just want to tell you that it means nothing I just get passionate about this kind of stuff ok so hope you guys enjoyed and have a great one bye:)

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