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Thursday 28 July 2016


Hey guys guess who's beck ME!!!with another blog post yay!!!!
so in my last I recently wrote a blog post on Lego batman sets and one of them included a new version of Harley Quinn. well I was reading it and I thought
"wow Harley Quinn has change her appearance since she first came" and then it hit me a new blog post and are you ready for it
well lets get straight to it
1. 2008 Harley Quinn's first Lego appearance

well.... it's ok but it hasn't got much detail has it. it looks pretty basic but that was it back in 2008. To be honest I remember when I first saw her I was in love with her but the price was to high and my mum practically had to peel my of the store window story short I never got her :`(

2. 2011 Harley Quinn's second Lego appearance

  I have to admit I like this one better than the first one. it got more detail than the first one but not as much as the ones in store for you guys. I know she looks like the first one but if you looked at her carefully she has curves on her sides but the first one didn't and she has more detail on her face like her smirk and bright red lipstick and her look has more detail. 

3. 2013 Harley Quinn's third Lego appearance 
To be honest for a first Dr Harleen Quinzel figure and it is a pretty good figure. the most detailed part of this figure is the torso because as the last one she has curves on her sides, her chest has some details and the mini id card the rest are just basic.

4. 2015 Harley Quinn's fourth Lego appearance
this one must be one of my favourites because it looks like the batman arkham series Harley Quinn. the most detailed part of her figure must be her head, torso, and legs. lets start on her head because her face has a widen smile and bright red lipstick and it has the little details, her torso has THOSE CURVES OF STEAL one again and her legs have sorts very rare on Lego legs

  5. 2016 Harley Quinn's fifth appearance
This is my second favourite Harley Quinn because I just love her appearance the blue and red killing it and I just love her corset it is so detailed and awesome and her hair is ok but still cool and her legs are not as detailed as her corset but they are still cool 
6. 2017 Harley Quinn's latest appearance
This my favourite figure I just love her so much. ok let's start on her hair.her hair is just soo cool so much detail and colours. her hair is moulded into curly pigtails and they are both different colours awesome. next part is her torso. she has a cool baseball jacket with a spiked choker necklace. next part is her legs she is wearing shorts with each leg is a different colour and at the bottom of her legs she has roller skates on which are so cool.to be honest I will be the first in queue to buy her next year.XD

If you guys made it to the end then you guys are my true readers  and I love you guys to bits but I love everyone who reads my post
have a nice peace out byyyeeeeXD

1 comment:

  1. Thanks you my shoutout love you blog..... im doing a evolution to
